J and P Cycles
J&P Cycles, Inc. was founded by John and Jill Parham in 1979. It sells motorcycle components, apparel, and gear for the American V-twin motorcycle rider.
Yuasa Yb12C-A Yumicron Conventional Battery This battery is known for its high power capacity, making it ideal for motorcycles with extra accessories or engines with high compression. It boasts superior cranking power for easy starting. Designed with ultra-thin separators, the battery accommodates two additional plates per cell, leading to a 30 acceleration in cranking function. Features: The most powerful lead-acid battery of its size Sulfate stop dramatically reduces sulfate crystal buildup on plates which result in longer battery life Engineered to protect against corrosion and withstand vibration Dimensions: 5 5/16 long, 3 9/16 wide, 6 7/8 high 165 CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) 1 year manufacturer warranty Does not come with acid Does not come charged Battery is non-returnable once acid has been installed Battery Terminal Location: Note: Product may vary from photo. RevZilla recommends charging and testing all batteries prior to using.
Yuasa Yumicron Conventional Battery